Storm Warnings Imagery

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After the analysis of Adrienne Rich’s poem Storm Warning the reader can make an interpretation of three literary elements the poet uses to communicate the total meaning. The three literary elements in use are imagery, symbol, and tone. In the Storm Warning Rich explains that although one can attempt to distant themselves from conflict, it cannot be control and conflict can appear in the blink of an eye. For example, in the first stanza the imagery in use creates the layout and structure of the total meaning; setting the scene and tone. “What winds are walking overhead, what zone/ Of gray unrest is moving across the land, / I leave the book upon a pillowed chair…” (line 3-5). Rich employs personification, describing the wind. When describing …show more content…

Throughout the poem there is an anxious tone; the constant mood that Rich placed in order to completely experience the conflict that is within the poem. With imagery Rich paints the scenery for the reader. Along with this Rich implements symbolism to establish the path to a deeper meaning, polishing it up with a most adequate tone. Dynamically creating a full understanding of the total meaning it communicate. “…I leave the book upon a pillowed chair/ And walk from window to closed window, watching…” (5-6).The placement of these lines by Rich are crucial, for the purpose of putting it in the fist stanza establishes the tone. Upon analyzing the first line placing the book on the pillowed chair, Rich is trying to communicate that due to an unforeseen conflict the peace and tranquil period the character was experiencing is disrupted. Placing the book down on a “pillowed chair” represents the character being reprimand from their comfort zones. Uncertain of the outcome the character is becoming uneasy. As in the next line the tone is beginning to be clear. The character is overwhelmed with worriedness and nervous so much that it begins to factor in her body language as the character begin to “walk from window to window”. With all this been describe Rich provides a most appropriate tone to the

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