Kate Chopin 's “The Story of an Hour” is a 1891 short story of an elderly woman whose husband dies in a tragic train crash. In “The Story of an Hour”, Chopin explores the significance of freedom, particularly to Louise Mallard, an elderly woman who lives in the time frame where women have limited rights. One way Chopin emphasizes freedom is by setting the story in the spring, spring can be perceived as the birth of new life, which can express Louise 's new life as a single woman. “The Story of an Hour” is a brief short story about Louise Mallard, an elderly woman with a critical heart condition. Because Louise suffers from a heart condition, Josephine gently tells her that her Husband Bradley has died in a horrific train crash. Louise then locks herself in a room alone, this is where her feeling of sorrow quickly depletes and the feeling of freedom comes into play; Louise Mallard is finally a free woman. Josephine begs Louise to open the door, so she opens the door to her sister 's importunities. As Josephine and Louise descend the stairwell, Bradley Mallard walks in the door, unharmed and unaware of the train crash; on seeing Bradley, Louise has a fatal heart attack. …show more content…
“The Story of an Hour” is set in the late nineteenth century, a time where women had very limited rights. It wasn 't until the 1920’s where the introduction of the nineteenth amendment, which gave women the right to vote. In addition, the story is physically set in Louise Mallard 's house, particularly it’s set by a window in a room Louise Mallard 's room, “There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair” (Chopin 147). Chopin sets the story during spring, “There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had piled one above the other” (Chopin 148). I think Chopin sets the story in the spring because spring symbolizes the birth of new things, it can be compared to Louise 's new life as a free