Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies in us while we live". American journalist, Norman Cousins, penned this quote after coming to terms with the diagnosis of a degenerative disease that would ultimately claim his life. In the short story, "Story of An Hour" by the American author, Kate Chopin, the main character, Mrs. Mallard, is the physical manifestation of this quote as she is poised to grapple with the impending news of her husband's untimely demise. As it stands, in my opinion, the short-story, "Story of An Hour", by American author, Kate Chopin, is by far, the best short-story due to the fact that the highly developed character, Mrs. Mallard, plot, and situational irony accurately depicts the inner conflict and turmoil women tend to experience as they forgo their personal aspirations to uphold the unattainable image that society dictates. The relevance of Chopin's short story, "Story of An Hour", to women in modern-society speaks volumes in terms of the overwhelming guilt a woman experiences attempting to …show more content…

From this perspective, the reader witnesses a litany of ironic occurrences throughout the short-story that draws the reader into the sympathetic plight of Mrs. Mallard. To name just a few, one occurrence depicts the moment when Mrs. Mallard's sister, Jacqueline, fears that Mrs. Mallard will make herself ill by secluding herself in a locked room. However, in actuality, Mrs. Mallard was in the room breathing a sigh of relief and rejoicing at her husband's death and the freedom that it would allow. Another occurrence of irony is when Mr. Mallard, by all means, and purposes, is presumed and confirmed to be dead, nonchalantly walks through the door. Likewise, another instance of irony, of course, is the astonishing turn of events that ends with Mrs. Mallard being the one who dies instead of her

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