
Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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The Story Of An Hour Essay Analysis In the 1800s women were viewed as a man's property and did not have rights like women of today do. In The Story Of An Hour, Louise is trying to learn how to cope with the newfound events that have changed her life forever. As she goes into solitude to discover what every woman hopes for during the time period which is freedom. Louise Mallard demonstrates grievance for the loss of her husband. As it states in the beginning of her delicate condition they are afraid to shock her too much to where it can affect her heart in a stressful way. “Great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.”(Chopin 168) When Louise heard of the news she was overwhelmed by sadness as it states that “when the storm of grief had spent itself she went to her room alone.”(Chopin 169) As her mind catches up with the situation she feels as though she needs to deal with her loss in isolation. As she does go into isolation she is trying to gather and actually make coherent thoughts as she …show more content…

“There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it fearfully.What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name.”(Chopin 169) Louise soon realizes what this strange feeling as she goes through the roller coaster of emotions trying to decipher what exactly she is feeling. Then she realizes with the race of her heartbeat and the rise and fall of her chest that she is feeling intense rejoice. “ She did not stop to ask if it were not a monstrous joy that held her. A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial.” Louis soon comes to the actualization that she is finally free from her bonds and can accept her new life with “open arms.” Now with a new sense of strength and power she feels as though she is invincible and that she can face life as a new profound

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