
Stream Of Consciousness In William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

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William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying is a novel written in 1930. The whole novel follows the Bundren family, which is a family living in extreme poverty. The Bundren family consists of Anse, the father, Addie, the mother, Cash, the oldest son, Darl, the second oldest, Jewel, the middle child, Dewey Dell, the only daughter, and Vardaman, the youngest son. Addie is dying and wishes to be buried in her hometown, Jefferson, because she’s not so content with her life and wants to be dead and buried far away from Anse and his children. As we read, we go along their journey with them. We get to experience their obstacles, their thoughts, their actions, their attitudes, their motives, and their outcome. Throughout the novel, Faulkner uses Stream of Consciousness,
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