Strengths And Weaknesses

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Having completed the shape test it has become apparent that I am a Squiggly Triangle – as a result the following are my strengths and weaknesses: Strengths: • I like to get to the point quickly with minimal fuss involved • I use positive language • I like to create a vision for the team • I am able to present to groups • I focus on goals and objectives Weaknesses: • I can often find it difficult to understand the feelings of others • Listening to others can sometimes prove difficult • I struggle to connect to people who are maybe not as imaginative as myself • I can sometimes divert from set agendas • Meeting deadlines can often prove difficult A box is good at following an agenda, focusing meetings on the detail and presenting in a calm …show more content…

Make logical points, get to the point and keep the objectives in sight. As I am part squiggle, I really tried to focus on the weaknesses. For example, setting down and assigning peoples actions from the meeting clearly so that everyone knew what they had to do and by when. I ensured the meeting agenda and minutes were followed and any sign of deviation from them was nipped in the bud and focus brought right back to the task in hand. I can develop my strengths and manage my weaknesses as a team member by understanding my role within a team hence, improving my contribution to the team. As a Shaper / Coordinator I have a strong urge to perform whilst ensuring deadlines are met. I also look to utilize people to their full potential making sure I take their preferences are met. Therefore, by ensuring their preferences are met, the team member will feel more motivated, driven and good about themselves and their role in the team which will be reflected in their performance. What I will need to work on is the pitfalls of being a Shaper / …show more content…

The main one being intolerant to less ambitious people which can come across as frustration or anger – these will work in a negative manner to the members of them team and subsequently have a detrimental effect on their performance. On top of this, I need to be aware of the team member’s workloads and not delegate too much and in fact overload them. As the nature of my job involves working with numerous project teams, I decided to get one team to take the test as a case study. There are usually 4 members in a team therefore not all team roles are going to be covered. The results were that 2 were Team Workers, 1 Monitor and 1 Coordinator. As previously mentioned, the team is small and so their secondary roles need to be considered to fill the team roles otherwise not already filled however, the mix of role preferences in the team is quite a good one. When taking into consideration that there are 2 team workers, these being the most sensitive members of the team who prefer harmony and can tend to avoid conflict, it is important that I, as a Shaper keep my emotions in check as to not disharmonise the

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