Stress In Military

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Understanding Stress in the Armed Forces

Stress is an emotion, a nonspecific response of the body which is defined as physical, physiological effects on a person which can turn out to be psychological and emotional too. Stress can be due to one or many reason, acting together all at once.
Stress At workplace-(Mahato, 2014) refers to stress, “As an inevitable of a modern life style which work as a threat to individual and its organization”. Due to which stress can lead to hampering our cognitive abilities, emotional stability and physical appearance. Stress not only “affect one’s self but the environment around that self which also create repercussions on one’s Personal life, …show more content…

Which suggest that, “there ought to be some another reasons that generate stress which causes the verge of durability of some soldiers and makes them break-down”.
Then what are the causes of stress which become distress for a Solider?

Soldiers and Stress
Everyone in life face challenges, which could be professional, domestic, societal and the intensity may vary and handle by individual at their own emotional and physical level. But failures, “ to adapt may result in perceiving them as threats which may add up to an individual distress level generating pressure hence leading them to resort to desperate act”( Chandola, …show more content…

Why? Well stress faced by soldiers varies entirely in comparison with civilians both in nature and intensity. So where a wartime situation might be a stressful event for civilians, for a solider it has a lower intensity and does not feel threaten but being back at the home base the solider might be more prone to stressful situations what if I am not able to get a holiday for home this time? Does my infant remember my face?
Again back to the boring routine etc., are some of the minor examples but to see a bigger picture here are some of the major examples which makes a solider stress hence threating the emotional and psychological equilibrium of the solider. Those Major peculiarities are as follows:
• As compared to Civilians, a solider not only face domestic, societal issues but come across physical (threat to life) and emotional stressors, which he/she has to deal with it all alone, unlike civilian who have their families to share with them, “which further causes distress in the later stages of work and life” (Anders, Manon