
Strong Economic Exchange

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For a community to succeed it must have a strong economic exchange. This means that it needs to be just, good and sustainable allowing the community to thrive in a way that is good for the whole. Just is the thought of what is good for the individual in regard to growing the community, good is the individual being kind to everyone in the community and sustainable is the ability for the community to run on its own without any outside help. In order for a community to be just, good, and sustainable in their economic exchange there must be rules and policies in place to keep it that way. When talking about the economic exchange in a community, the topic of wages has to be addressed. This is how the person will be paid for the work that they …show more content…

People should be paid a wage that they can live upon like Marx said. In order for the economy of the community to be just the community must grow with the actions of the individual. While I agree with Marx and think that people should be paid a wage amounts to their labor contributed, people should also not be paid equally. This is just because it is what is good for the individual both the employer and the employee, but it is also helping keep the economy grow, because things continue to get made and money continues to be shared, having a continued growth. It is good because people are being kind to others in the community by giving them a wage that they can live on, and for the labor that they had done, which makes it sustainable because labor is being produced, and people are being paid for the labor keeping the economy moving. In a community where there is a buyer-seller relationship, there is also the talk of profits. During an exchange, the money that the seller had made from the object is the profit that they have created. In the mind of the capitalist, all of the surplus value, or profit, should go to the capitalist. In the mind of Marx, all of the surplus value should go to the workers because they are the ones that added the surplus value to the object in the first …show more content…

But that is not just, giving 100% of the surplus to the worker is also not just. In order to do what is good for the individual to grow the community, each person must get a share of the surplus. This makes the economy keep growing, making sure one person doesn’t control too much of the money, while at the same time the worker is getting their share, so they can continue to live and work. If the worker got nothing out of their work, then the economy would stop moving, people would stop working, and the community would fall apart. In order for it to be just and good the share of the wealth must give chance to the workers. The surplus value would go 70%, 30%. Giving the capitalist the higher value, because they are the one who found the material, and sold the material, if the worker had a problem with it, they would be able to sell their own

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