Strong Women Research Paper

651 Words3 Pages

Little Girls With Dreams Grow Into Women With Ambition

In a "Man 's world" what are we supposed to teach our little girls? How do we teach them to value themselves? To achieve goals? To understand that they are important? We can answer these questions with mentoring. In order for these girls to know that they are important, valued and intelligent they need to see another woman representing all the things they wish to be in the future. Programs such as "Strong Women, Strong Girls" provide these young girls with women in their community, who look like them and embody the traits we wish our young girls to have.
It 's Women 's History Month, Girls ' Day was last week and today is International Women 's Day. I have the honor and privilege of being a woman with strong women in my life, working on a gender-specific grant for Hawaii girls who have suffered childhood trau …show more content…

I have the honor and privilege of being a woman with strong women in my life, working on a gender-specific grant for Hawaii girls who have suffered childhood trau
Strong Women, Strong Girls is an award winning curriculum based mentoring organization that works to counter the social pressures that discourage girls in under resourced communities by combining multi generational group mentoring to build strength. Strong Women, Strong Girls was founded in 2000 by Lindsay Hyde, A Harvard graduate. She began the program with just six women mentoring 30 girls.In the year 2004 Strong Women, Strong Girls was incorporated as a non-profit in the city of