Structural Functionalism In The Film A Class Divided

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In Symbolic interactionism, it is believed that race and ethnicity are socially constructed through interactions between individuals, where individuals give meaning to symbols, language and signs through daily social interactions. From the documentary “A Class Divided”, the symbolic interactionist theory can be seen through the blue-eyed and brown-eyed experiment conducted by Jane Elliott. Her experiment divided her class according to their eye color and treated them differently based on this physical characteristic. This experiment showed how easily individuals are able to make judgments based on physical characteristics and how these judgments can shape how we interact with others. The blue-eyed children felt inferior and discriminated against, while the brown-eyed children felt superior, demonstrating the power of these labels in shaping social interactions.

The Conflict theory argues that race and ethnicity are the result of unequal distribution of power, wealth, and resources. It asserts that racial and ethnic inequality is not a natural but a socially constructed concept that is maintained through laws, policies, and social institutions that reinforce the status quo. In the film “A Class Divided”, the conflict theory is evident in the racial and ethnic discrimination …show more content…

It views society as a system of interrelated parts such as the family, the government, the economy, and religion. In the film, “A Class Divided”, structural functionalism is seen through the function of schools in perpetuating racial discrimination. Schools are intended to provide students with equal opportunities for education and advancement. However, in the film, the schools function to help maintain white supremacy by teaching racial stereotypes and excluding non-white students from equal opportunities. This reinforces social inequality and perpetuates the status