Student Council President Letter

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I possess many qualities that would make me a good candidate for Student Council President. I am a hard-worker, I put a lot of effort into what my task is and I am thorough with all of my projects. I always try to be a leader for my peers but being a good follower is a good thing, also. I am very trustworthy, if I say I am going to keep a secret, I will keep it. Just like Ontario Christian School’s motto, I am a growing Christian leader. Many of my friends tell me that I am a good listener and that I am open to everyone’s ideas. For another quality that I have is, that I like to plan ahead and make sure everything gets done before it is due. One of many great skills, I have is that I am creative and organized. Some of the Christian gifts that Christ gave me are that I am able to make difficult decisions, discern right from wrong and that I am reliable. Those are some of the qualities, I posses that would make me a good Student Council President. …show more content…

I am applying for this position because I am curious about what it is like to be “behind the scenes”, in other words, I would like to see a project in the early stages of the planning, then see it grow into a super fun event. Another reason, is that I want to be apart of helping Ontario Christian Middle School and I want to serve my fellow peers. I, also, feel like I would excel in this position. And I feel like God is telling me to do this, like He gave me these gifts, so I could excel and glorify

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