Student Disabilities Act Essay

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“The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) creates important opportunities for promoting health and wellness, focusing on the whole child and giving all students an equitable chance at academic success.”(“Education Policy: ESSA”, 2015).
Problem Description
The Every Student Succeeds Act addresses a number of issues that the No Child Left Behind policy failed to address in the years it was in action. According to an article by the Department of Education the ESSA Act “advances equity by upholding critical protections for America's disadvantaged and high-need students”, and “requires—for the first time—that all students in America be taught to high academic standards that will prepare them to succeed in college and careers” (“A New Education Law”, 2017). The NCLB act just gave all the power to the federal office and took the say from the teachers and schools. This policy also addresses a number of issues that the teachers wanted to be fixed such as, “ensures that vital …show more content…

The low-income and ESL students struggle and the teachers have no way to help them, which makes the teacher go to the principle who has no power because the federal government doesn’t want to give the support they need for their students. Not having a working policy in this area can cause a domino effect of problems for anyone involved in the educational system. This policy’s issues affect everyone country wide because every school was held back by the rules that the federal system had for them. They gave them the amount of financial support that their test scores allowed them. Lower scores mean less money and high scores gave them more money. This caused the low-income schools to either cheat or fight hard to stay afloat but that should have never been the case. The entire educational community was fighting to get a policy that wasn’t so unfair like NCLB