Student Iep Meeting

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There are many faucets that need to be taken into consideration when planning, scheduling, and conducting a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. This is done for many reasons, but most notably to avoid due process hearings and to make sure students receiving special education services are progressing and have as much access to the general education curriculum as their non-disabled peers. Should Jeremy’s parents decide to move forward with a due process hearing, their lawyer would have the means to develop a successful case against the district.
Parent participation and providing proper notice of a student’s Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting are critical pieces that need to be included when it is time to start …show more content…

A direct quote from the Legal Framework says, “The term special education means specially-designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of the child with a disability.” Stating that only students with learning disabilities are allowed to receive test modifications illustrates Mr. Cleveland’s lack of familiarity with services provided to students with …show more content…

A good analysis of predetermination can be quoted from the 9th Circuit case, H.B. v. Las Virgenes USD. “Predetermination occurs when an educational agency has made its determination prior to the IEP meeting, including when it presents one placement option at the meeting and is unwilling to consider other alternatives…a school district violates IDEA procedures if it independently develops an IEP, without meaningful parental participation, and then simply presents the IEP to the parent for