Study Abroad Application Essay

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Personal Statement Study Abroad Application: Outgoing Students for Fall 2017 As I applied to Jacobs University in spring 2015, the main reason was that I was looking for a challenge which helps me to extend my limits and to develop further. First, I was highly motivated to find out how far I would be able to correspond to the risen academic demands from one of the best universities within Germany. However, the immensely supporting faculty and the small size of classes made it more competitive but also more valuable in terms of an exchange inside the classroom. Additionally, I started to study in a foreign language which made the challenge for me even larger. But I was also very curious in comparing myself to eager students internationally …show more content…

But my three semester at Jacobs University have also prepared me for new challenges and new experiences, just like the ones of a semester abroad. I am highly motivated to leave my comfort zone and to learn from a new environment and thus, to face increased academic demands and personal challenges of living and adapting to another country for four months reinforcing one’s confidence and independence. Additionally, I immensely value the advantages of a multicultural campus which connects students with a global mindset sharing similar values and ambitions. Since I have always lived in my native country, I am deeply interested this time in experiencing another perspective and to live on the one hand, on an extremely diverse campus and on the other, in a foreign country as a non-native. Furthermore, studying at another university for one semester offers the opportunity to gain from courses not offered at Jacobs University. I would be able to deepen my knowledge in fields relevant for my major and to focus on more specialized classes. Moreover, a semester abroad would prepare me for my future career regarding to necessary skills and experiences, just like Jacobs prepared me for a semester …show more content…

Students sharing a global mindset and entrepreneurial spirit, who like to think ahead, are passionate, find solutions, be challenged, and have own opinions are exactly the kinds of students I was hoping to meet during my stay abroad. Since these students are coming together at the campus in Madrid, I believe that there is a special learning environment where students can best flower out and outgrow their limits and therefore, I would love to have the chance to integrate and to learn with and from them. Furthermore, the specialization and expertise of Instituto de Empresa in entrepreneurship and innovation matches perfectly my interest which is reflected in my extracurricular activities. I am part of the organizing team of the “Jacobs Start Up Competition 2017” and the “Case Study Competition” and therefore, I seek to gain more insights about an entrepreneurial mindset wherefore one semester at IE would be incredibly helpful. I would not only benefit from the material inside the classroom but I could also be part of such events there and deepen my knowledge and experiences from various possibilities such as from the “International Case Competition” where four IE students participated in 2016. As I am also part of the organizing team of Explore Bremen, a mentor-mentee program, as well as in various sport activities such as horse riding and

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