Study Skills Module 12

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Question 1 Study Habits Module 12
I am an adult learner and I find that I devote more time to my metacognitive regulation than some of the other students attending college, because I find it more difficult to recall prior knowledge from twenty years ago in which to link the information I am learning today. Before attending a lecture, I will read the material we are going to cover during the lecture. During lecture, I typically will take notes to help me connect something I read with something the Professor is stating. The week prior to an exam I will read all the chapters being covered in the test again, this time highlighting anything that I remember talking about in lecture or something I find significant or interesting. I typically do not write an outline and I know that I should, but for some reason I go …show more content…

The first principle is the development of automaticity of skills, which involves overlearning the subject, skill, or task by continued practice until proficiency is revealed. The second principle is promoting meaningful learning for the students by using high-road transfer to create active, meaningful relationships with prior comprehension or similar concepts. The third principle involves teaching using metacognitive strategies such as cues that the information being covered needs to be linked to prior data and helping students map the information being transferred to form more significant connections. Lastly motivating students to value leaning by encouraging students to set mastery goals that focus on learning and linking the information and not learning just to pass a quiz or test, which is commonly referred to as drill and kill. Another way to help motivate students to learn is by learning how to capitalize on the students' natural interests or to use techniques or hands-on experiences to create a situational interest in the material to be

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