Jensen (2008) describes the benefits of submitting an annual report to the principal. Submitting an annual report to the principal allows a school librarian to illustrate evidence-based practices in the library and how they support students’ education. An effective annual report contains quantitative and qualitative data to show the outcomes of the library program for students. Furthermore, Jensen advocates for school librarians to enact a “total communication plan” with the principal to facilitate collaboration as well as support for the school library program. How does a school librarian establish a total communication plan with an unresponsive school administrator? Jensen, A. (2008). Presenting the evidence: Librarian’s annual report to the principal. Knowledge Quest, 37 (2), 28-32. Todd (2008) describes the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in a school library. Evidence-based practice in school librarianship uses empirical research and student- generated evidence to demonstrate the outcomes of a school library program. Todd asserts that the lack of research on EBP in educational literature is a significant challenge for research in school librarianship. The AASL standards provide school librarians with guidance on …show more content…
Survey data from users can be used as evidence for making changes to the school library program. Furthermore, data referencing circulation and collection information can be used to support collection development needs. Data can also be used to illustrate the benefits of library initiatives for the school as a whole. School librarians also need to gather data after initiatives are implemented to highlight outcomes and continually support modifications and initiatives within the school library program. How and when do librarians efficiently and effectively present school library data to