Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-2 Paper

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Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-2 (SASSI-2) tool was designed to identify reliability and validity. When configuring the four areas to detect symptom-related AOD use acknowledgement), risk (substance misuse degree of risk), attitudinal (attitude and belief regarding AOD use), subtle items (nontransparent, unremarkable items that identify AOD-abusing clients. On one side are 52 true/false questions that generally appear unrelated to chemical abuse; on the other side are 26 items that allow clients to self-report the negative effects of any alcohol and drug use. Clients can complete the SASSI in approximately 10–15 minutes, it is easily scored, and training is available in interpretation and use of the SASSI as a screening tool for …show more content…

It also contain a validity subscale and defensiveness scale which provides the client defensive responding, The SASSI is available The primary strength of the SASSI is in identifying abuse patterns that are hidden by the more subtle forms of denial common to substance abusers. Items on the SASS in touch on a broad spectrum of topics seemingly unrelated to chemical abuse. The questions are designed to be nonthreatening to abusers to avoid triggering the client’s defenses and denial. The SASSI is resistant to faking and defeats efforts to “second guess” the “right” answer. As a result, the SASSI is effective in identifying clients who are minimizing or in denial about their substance abuse. It is also effective in identifying substance abuse regardless of the drug of choice. This was to targets adults and adolescents both of the SASSI’s are adapted for either male or female clients. There are 6 levels and if a client has level 2 requires no referral prevention maybe an educational class level 3 through 6 requires further hours, education and months of prevention treatment. The scores are graphic which provides a profile of the client’s scores associated to adolescents normative

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