Subtle Screening Inventory-3 Analysis

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Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3: Critique The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 (SASSI-3) is a concise and simply administered psychological assessment tool that aids in the detection of the likelihood that a person has a substance use disorder (Lazowski & Miller, 1997). Subsequently, this resulting document is an evaluation of the SASSI-3 by means of critiques from the Mental Measurement Yearbook (MMY). The two critiques utilized were authored by; Ephram Fernandez, who is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and David J. Pittenger, who is the Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Overview The SASSI, which was first published in 1988 is an empirically established psychometric assessment intended to reveal the probability of substance dependence by applying questions that are less expected to prompt suspicion and deceitful responses (Pittenger, 2003). In other words, indirect items (subtle scales) that appear disparate from substance use allow the SASSI to identify persons with alcohol and drug …show more content…

“Therefor, eligibility to purchase, administer and/or use of this measure for clinical purposes is limited to individuals whose certification and/or professional training includes assessment (e.g., psychologists, social workers, certified addictions counselors [level B]) or individuals who have completed SASSI training that was presented by a certified SASSI trainer” (Lazowski & Miller, 1997, p6). According to the SASSI Institute (2016), the cost of the SASSI-3 is relatively inexpensive whereas a “package of 25 paper tests and profiles costs $60, scoring keys are $10 apiece, and the user guide and manuals are $35”

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