Prostitution has been a taboo part of society for as long as society has been in existence. It is a need that has always been there that is filled by individuals who go into the profession for personal and financial reasons. However, with the rise of the internet and cell phones, access to these services have become vastly more accessible. The internet has not only provided easier access, but it has also created a safer environment for prostitutes. In Ordering Sex in Cyberspace the author finds that, “Male escorts reported the ability to make more money, engage in safer sexual practices and limited concerns over law enforcement detection.” (Castle, pg.109). Not only has the internet changed prostitution, it has allowed for different and more …show more content…
In 2009, “there [were] over 20 websites that bring sugar daddies and sugar babies together.” (Motyl, pg.931), but now there are countless different websites that create environments for sugar babies and sugar daddies to connect; there’s even advertisements on T.V. for these websites. The same type of person that is seen as taboo when it is under the name prostitute has somehow become widely acceptable by society when it’s called a sugar baby. The emphasis in terminology of “arrangement” or “relationship” is part of this acceptance because it appears that there is not a clear exchange for sex and money, instead the two individuals that take part are “mutually benefitting” and as states, “This is not prostitution, and Sugar Daddies don’t want escorts, if they did, they could just go find one.” (What is Mutually Beneficial, 2015). Unlike prostitutes and escorts, sugar babies constantly deny that they are paid directly to have …show more content…
I will be looking at 5 websites for each profession, so a total of 15 websites. I will collect data by keeping a chart for websites for prostitutes, escorts, and sugar babies and listing what is listed on each website. For services provided I will be looking at whether it states sexual services, companionship, or any others that I come across. Compensation method is important to look at because it is what distinguishes prostitution from dating. Therefore, I will look to see if the compensation method is gifts, cash, wire transfers, cash apps, venom, or others. For contact method I want to see if the arrangements are made over text, call, email, or social media apps. Lastly, I want to look at whether the woman on the sites are independent or if they are working underneath someone. This is important because prostitutes are traditionally controlled by others and have to give a portion of their earnings to