Sugar Is Better Than Drugs Essay

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We all to have those sugary snacks whenever possible but have you ever thought about what sugar actually does to you. We all consume sugar on a daily basis, but have we ever considered how bad sugar actually is compared to drugs. Hundred of thousands of people get addicted to drugs everyday, but how many people get addicted to sugar everyday. Well 66 pounds of sugar is bought from stores per person. That is a lot when you think about the lasting effects that sugar has on your body and how much money you’ll spend trying to fix it. Drugs also leave a lasting effect except that most drugs are illegal you can buy sugar in your everyday store. My counterclaim is that sugar is not more addictive than drugs. According to Traci Mann a professor at University of Minnesota “Despite anecdotal claims, neither tolerance nor withdrawal has been shown scientifically in humans with sugar or any other nutrient or food (with the possible exception of caffeine). And although there is some evidence that rats can become sugar-dependent under certain specific circumstances (involving having them fast), tolerance has not been “convincingly demonstrated,” and applying rodent models of addiction to humans is controversial at best”(par.7). This is a very good …show more content…

According to Locke Hughes of WebMD “The occasional candy or cookie can give you a quick burst of energy (or “sugar high”) by raising your blood sugar levels fast. When your levels drop as your cells absorb the sugar, you may feel jittery and anxious (a.k.a. the dreaded “sugar crash”). But if you’re reaching into the candy jar too often, sugar starts to have an effect on your mood beyond that 3 p.m. slump: Studies have linked a high sugar intake to a greater risk of depression in adults”(your mood). Sugar can even cause depression may drugs do the same thing. So who we to say that they aren’t the same thing. But what happens when we don’t get

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