Sula By Toni Morrison Research Paper

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“Sula” by Toni Morrison is a beautifully dense book that deals with so much in it’s relatively small amount of pages but one of the most interesting and complex of all the themes in this story is friendship. Toni Morrison develops this friendship in an expertly done way and this friendship between Nel and Sula is one of the main driving forces of the book and the friendship between them is a symbiotic one. These two kind of opposites create one working unit even if they don’t realize it at it the time. The identities they created for themselves is formed around one another's friendship and love for each other. Toni Morrison’s use of the complex themes of friendship and love and rebellion, shown through the comparisons of characters Nel and Sula allows the characters to not only meld well but also complete one another. …show more content…

Morrison (From Nels perspective) says “The trip, perhaps, or her new found me-ness, gave her the strength to cultivate a friend in spite of her mother”. (Morrison 29) This shows how Nels new found love for herself allowed her to want to rebel against her mother by finding a friend. This also shows the even with the “me-ness” Nel was still incomplete without the friend who we later find out is Sula. They met and become friends immediately with Morrison saying. “Their friendship was as intense as it was sudden. They found relief in each other's personality” (53) Toni Morrison is conveying that from the moment they began their friendship it was not just strong it was intense, much more than just childhood friends and also showing how they completed each other with their friendship as they found relief in each other's personalities like without one another there was some emptiness, some internal chaos but together they found