Plantation Life: A Slave By Betty Abernay

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A slave, Betty Abernathy’s, account of plantation life, “We lived up in Perry County. The white folk had a nice big house an’ they was a number of poor little cabins fo’ us folks. Our’s was a one room, built of logs, an’ had a puncheon floor. ‘Ole ‘Massa’ had a number of slaves but we didden have no school, ‘ner church an’ mighty little merry-makin’. Mos’ly we went barefooted the yeah ‘round.” Betty went on to explain how her owner, ‘Ole ‘Massa’ did not care about how his slaves were treated and he would hire them out to his neighbors frequently. That evening, Betty’s brothers who were hired out for the day, came home and told their mother that they were going to run away later that night. The next day ‘Ole ‘Massa’ came looking for the