Summary: Analyzing The News

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Analyzing the News Hailey Butts Almost everyday millions of people turn on the television to watch the news. The media’s intend is to draw people into their stories. They use words, music, and everything they can to grab and keep your attention. While most of the time, people tend to automatically believe the story without second-guessing it or thinking in-depth of it. With that being said, it is important to be sociological mindful. According to Schwalbe, “What counts as “deviant”—that is, what gets defined as abnormal and immoral—depends on the perspective of a person or group”. With that being said, deviance behavior is something outside the social norm. The news is full of what they consider deviance acts. For example, according to WREG …show more content…

Wright Mills states that, “Issues have do to with matters that transcend these local environments of the individual and the range of his inner life.” On Fox Channel 12, they reported a story of a firefighter that shot and killed his ex-girlfriend. A sociological way to look at it would be to consider what events led this on. You cannot just automatically assume that the ex-boyfriend is crazy. The news just focuses on the ex-boyfriend being a killer; however, they do not mention anything about his past. Was he abused growing up? Did he grow up in an unstable household? Or was he neglected as a child? A person needs to consider the events that could have happen in his past for the reasons he is commenting this crime before they start passing judgment. That is why it is important to me sociologically mindful. Schwalbe stated for us to see beyond stereotypes and prejudices (3). It is not only a personal but also a public issue because domestic violence is something that continues to happen. It is important to stop the violence before it spins out of control. If someone would of noticed and step in then the whole situation might of ended up …show more content…

Filters are a person personal attitude and views on things. Some of my filters deal with gender, race, and religion. When I hear of a murder or a shooting, I automatically just assume the person is black. That is because most of the murders and shooting on the news involves black people. It, also, is usually a man who commits such violent acts. When I see white people being charged for murder, it grabs my attention more. Religion is one of my big filters. My religion helps me determine what I think is right and wrong. However, some of my views are based on how I was brought up, which has to do with my religion and background. I was fortune to have a middle/high class upbringing, so a lot of the stories I cannot quite relate too. Which is why I do not try not to judge or assume things about people. Sadly, a lot of society does judge and assume things even though they have never been in a situation like