Summary And Symbols In Ray Bradbury's A Sound Of Thunder

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Oftentimes people do small things and believe they do not make a difference in their livelihoods, but find out how much of an impact such a small thing can make. In “ A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury. A hunter by the name of Eckels wants to experience hunting a creature from many decades ago, however, he ends up fumbling into the prohibited area, without knowing. He meddled with the future and entirety and now has to pay the consequences he has created. Little things can make a great difference, sometimes the tiniest things can have the biggest impact on something. In fact, Eckel mistakenly steps into the mud and turns off the path by an inch. He was worried and wanted to flee the area before the T-Rex he disturbed killed him. Even though he was a little bit off the path and …show more content…

In the text, it states “ This fool nearly killed us but it isn't that so much no it's his shoes look at them he ran off the path that ruins us…”( Bradbury 9 ). Therefore, Eckles made a mistake by stepping off the directed path and hunting down a petite butterfly. He did not think anything of doing such small and ineffective things, that he believed would not have such a big impact on history. Eckles still created that problem for himself, he ruined the future by killing a butterfly that changed evolution in the human environment as well as the mindset and skill level of an individual. No matter how small or petite something is, it still can have a major impact on the society around you or affect you as a person the most. For example, Mr. Travis talks about the precautions of doing this adventure and how such a small thing can have an extensive impact on eventual events. If they were to do something foolish they would be interfering with the impending era. As it states “ … say we accidentally killed one mouse here that means all future families of this particular mouse are destroyed … you annihilate first one than a dozen then a thousand a million a billion possible mice” (