Summary By Stephen King Quitters Inc. Summary

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Throughout this easy I will be discussing and giving an analysis on a horror fiction article. This essay will be broken up into two parts, summary and response. The summary portion of this article will be completely unbiased, however, the response will be an opinionated analysis. The article I chose was Quitters Inc., by Stephen King. This article was published in 1978 in a collection titled Night Shift. This short story tells about a man and his decision to quit smoking. Quitters Inc., starts off by introducing two old friends, DIck Morrison and Jim McCann. These two charters bump into each other and Jim starts to explain a place called Quitters, Inc, this place helped him to quit smoking and completely changed his life around. Morrison, wanting to quit smoking, goes to this place and meets with a counselor. The counselor explains the brutal program to him. Donatti explains that if he is caught smoking non-fatal electric shock will be administered to his family. The more infractions he commits the more beatings and tortures his family will endure. He continues to explain that after the ninth infraction, Dick’s mentally challenged son’s arm will be broken. While placing a gun on his desk, Donatti explains that after the …show more content…

While reading Quitters Ink, readers begin to feel like the character himself. Throughout the story we are right along with him, feeling his fear and confusion, not knowing what is going to come next or what will happen in the future. Along with relating the the story, King manages to make an ordinary event into a twisted story. In todays world there are several people trying to quit smoking or loose weight, this idea is not uncommon or unusual. However, King turns this normal event into something eerie and disturbing. When King does this he brings out an emotional response, making the story much more

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