Summary: College Athletes Should Be Paid

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College athletics in the United States has long been a source of pride and revenue for many universities. These athletes have profoundly impacted the world, captivating audiences worldwide and fostering a sense of unity and excitement among fans. However, the issue of whether college athletes should be paid has been a topic of heated debate. Contrary to the stance of the NCAA(National Collegiate Athletics Association), college athletes deserve compensation for their contributions to the multi-billion-dollar industry of collegiate sports, as their talents and efforts generate substantial revenue for their universities. These individuals often face financial hardships, often lack the time for part-time work and struggle with the restrictions …show more content…

These student athletes deserve to be compensated for the work they do. Events such as March Madness bring in $1 billion dollars, but almost none go to the athletes. In a Forbes article, “Why The Public Strongly Supports Paying College Athletes”, sports attorney Luke Fedlam writes, “We have seen over the last 20 years the explosion in the commercialization of college sports. Check out the NCAA March Madness tournament. So much money is being made on student-athletes’ abilities”(Fedlam). Why should athletes be restricted from earning the money they make from their skills? College athletics has long been a beacon of pride and a substantial revenue stream for so many colleges. These student athletes have profoundly impacted the world through their talents and efforts, but despite the significant contributions they have made to the multi-billion-dollar industry of collegiate sports, the debate over whether they should be compensated persists. The University of Oregon is among many institutions renowned for their athletic programs, playing a significant role in fostering school spirit. A large portion of the school attends sporting events throughout the year to support our