Summary: Detailed Observation For Jonah 4: 1-11

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Chapter 13 – Exercise: Detailed Observation for Jonah 4:1-11.
Jonah’s Prayer of Displeasure of Prayer (4:1-3)
1 “But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry.”
Observation: vs.1 is a continuation of chapter 3. The word “exceedingly” stands out. Because Jonah was more than displeased with God, that would make him angry [causation]. The words “exceedingly” and “very” are used to emphasize displeased and angry. These words appear to set the tone for the chapter. Note: “angry”.
Questions: Why does the writer accentuate the words displeased and angry? What are the implications? The end of chapter three appears to be a success for the mission. So, what went wrong?
2 “And he prayed unto the LORD, and said, I pray thee, O LORD, was not …show more content…

So, Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd.”
Observation: “Now” indicates a shift in the narrative. The writer moves the focus by describing a series of the LORD’S “appointments.” The Hebrew word for “evil” or “discomfort” is the same word used in 1:2 (evil of Nineveh) and 3:10 (of “disaster” …). This implies the LORD is more committed to Jonah’s character than his comfort. This plant is Lord appointed. God made a provision for this plant to protect Jonah. Jonah was exceedingly [repetitious, substantiation]
Question: What was Jonah supposed to understand from the episode with the gourd? Does the episode answer Jonah’s complaint? If not, what is its function? Why did Jonah need a shadow when he already had shade from the “booth”? What happened to the “booth”? How large was this plant?
7 “But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it withered.”
Observation: God appointed and now destroys the plant. God appoints a harassing element. The word “smote” appears to demonstrate …show more content…

Why was God angry? Was He making a point?
8 “And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live.”
Observation: When the sun comes up in the east, the air currents do appear to travel westward. The word “vehement” is anger sounding. Without the booth and the plant, Jonah had nothing to protect him from the strong winds and all they blew towards him. And, nothing to protect him from the hot sun beating down on him. This verse reminds me of the direst Job endured. Jonah requested he die because he didn’t want to live. This is a substantiation.
Question: Did Jonah want to die because of the pain he was enduring from the elements? Or did he want to die because of his guilt? Does Jonah mean to die is better for himself or for the