I had the opportunity to read a fascinating book called 1776 by David McCullough; this is his tenth Book he has written on the subject. In this endeavoring novel he describes several significant issues that George Washington had to overcome to secure his ultimate victory in 1783. The book describes the first year of the American Revolution, especially the triumph of Boston and the failure of New York. The author details the challenges of creating and maintaining an army and then developing and drilling the militia that will be disciplined in the field of battle. He also writes that there were several problems that George Washington faced while leading the continental army. The first of these problems were that the militia had poor discipline …show more content…
Other problems included a lack of supplies, specifically gun powder to distribute among the men and the fact that all the men were from different sorts, another problem that he face was that they would not be willing to train, another problem that he face was that his new unruly recruit which were hardly fit for battle and had insufficient firearms, another problem that he face was that many of the officers had little idea of what to do. Another problem that he face was that the army did not have any mortals they would rather continue having their clothes smell then clean themselves, another problem that he face was that the army presented poor behavior due to a lack of order and obedience among the men which resulted in becoming the embarrassment of the country. Another problem that he endures while commanding the continental army was that the soldiers were barely trained or were unequipped for battle and they would not be willing to train. George Washington face, yet another problem he had while commanding the army was that most of them had very little or no clue of they would supposed to do and many of them were also underfed, and many also use there firearms whenever they …show more content…
One of the problems that he faced outside of Boston was that he did not know the lay out of the land; it was very different from any military experience. Other problems that he faces included a lack of troops that had gathered outside of Boston, there was only sixteen thousands troops not enough for a regular army nor that within his entire army there was not one trained engineer to overlook the design and the defense and he knew that winter was fast approaching and knew that his troops were without firewood and barrack and that there was still a lack of supplies. Another problem that he faces was that there was a loss of men and there was still a lack of gun powder, but there still was enough for an attack, another problem that he face was that the army did have little artillery, another problem that he face outside of Boston was that it was easy for the British to bottle up the American from the neck to keep from coming in. Another problem that George Washington faces outside of Boston was that the weather brought few ships with supplies because many of the lakes were frozen over; one of the problems that George Washington face outside of Boston was that many of his men was getting sick and dying from