Summary Of A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor

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O’Connor, Flannery. “A Good Man Is Hard To Find.” The Writer’s Presence: A Pool of Readings. Eds. Robert Atwan and Donald McQuade. New York: Bredford St.Martins. 2009. 930-942.

Flannery O’Connor, author and graduate from Georgia Sate College for Women, asserts that danger is a demonstration of God’s tests on human faith and morals because religion is something that people need to stand firm by and have full confidence in. O’Connor provides insightful facts and evidence about the morals established from a Christian faith, such that how a person behaves is based upon these morals. In “A Good Man Is Hard To Find,” O’Connor aims to warn the audience that a strong faith is important in order to think clearly in the time of a crisis and to