
Summary Of Antigone

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In Thebes, three family members, including Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydice, all commit suicide due to the loss of each other, starting when Antigone gets situated into a cave as a result of her defying actions. After Polynices and Eteocales die in a battle, and Creon becomes king, his demanding rules only allow Eteocales to be buried because Polynices is considered a traitor. Antigone, their sister, wants to burry Polynices but Creon decrees it illegal, so for the love of her brother, Antigone must risk her life and break the law to create justice. Antigone continues with her quest to burry her brother, although her sister, Ismene, refuses to help because of the danger involved. Antigone sneaks out onto the field where Polynices dead body is

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