Summary Of Billy Hutchinson's Short Story: Go To Work

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Get up. Go to work. Eat and sleep. Get up. Go to work. Eat and sleep. That is how Billy Hutchinson would describe his life. For the past eight years, nothing had changed for bored protagonist. The only variable that was unpredictable in his sad existences was his step daughter’s behavior. Billy hadn’t wanted to build his life like this, he knew this isn’t how he wanted to live when he was younger. He had fond memories of ska concerts, long road trips, and crazy parties. Life wasn’t like that anymore. The worst part was, he had put himself in this position to support his girlfriend (now wife) and her daughter. Billy didn’t regret this decision, he just couldn’t understand why he had abandoned his previous vagabond lifestyle for a more constricted one. I guess you could call it growing up but Billy didn’t think it was the …show more content…

It wasn’t a well maintained park. The grass was normally over grown, loitering in the crack in the walking trail. Rusted black fences that were supposed to keep the bushes, flowers, and trees at bay, however, due to poor up keeping, had started to overtake them like an army invading a foreign land. Ever though the park had started to become a wildland than a national park, it still remained popular throughout the city, mostly due to the freelance musicians that would play there. Billy had wanted to have a drink on this Thursday but the summer heat had changed his mind. He decided to go to Lannister Park instead. Billy Hutchinson day dreamed about a Warped Tour he had attended in 2004. Bombastic horn swelling in the air as Big D and Kid’s Table played with all their heart, allowing the audience to fill that passion and respond with their own sense of relief. Bodies pouring with sweat and body odor as they slammed in to each other. Every individual no longer belonging to themselves but to the collective of souls transcending the conscious to a world of freedom and