Summary Of Bipolar Disorders

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The movie representation of the symptoms and the disorder was accurate because the outbursts and triggers were displayed as a vivid representation of bipolar disorder as well as depression. The movie showed how Pat’s mental statutes had an affect with his family and friends, especially with his marriage. His marriage caused many recurring triggers and outbursts because of the failures and infidelity within his marriage. Pat’s mental disorder, bipolar disorder and depression caused disorientation to his life. According to the scholarly journal, Poor quality of life and functioning in bipolar disorder, the participants involved were married individuals with bipolar disorder tested their lifestyles and day-to-day schedules. The results from their …show more content…

One of his major triggers was hearing his wedding song.This major trigger would cause his major outbursts throughout the movie. Because of this major trigger, Pat was not able to live a normal, functioning life until towards the end of the movie. The cause for his bipolar disorder was embedded from childhood until the marriage with his wife. The embedment was caused by his manic episodes, or outbursts from his disorder. The recurrent manic episodes kept him from living, which brought on many challenges with mental illness of bipolar disorder. Pat believed he was living a normal life while being apart from his wife, however he did not understand why some important information was withheld from him as begin the process of reconstructing his life. According to the Psychopathology scholarly article, Dimensions of Psychosis in Patients with Bipolar Mania as Measured by Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale explains the positives and negatives with bipolar disorder. With the study of demographic facts and …show more content…

The shown treatment helped both of them while living with bipolar disorder. Not only Pat had treatment with prescription, but with consistent therapy and manageable therapeutic methods for controlling the manic episodes. Of course, Pat’s sensitive triggers caused majority of his manic outbursts or episodes. Because he was seeking consistent treatment and therapy, he managed to live a better quality of life while subduing his bipolar disorder. According to Keck’s scholarly article, The management of acute mania explains how the results from clinical trials bipolar disorder medication and treatment. The results from the trials stated the right combination of treatment and monotherapy will help to prevent recurrent manic episodes within the patient with bipolar disorder. Also, according to the British Journal of Psychiatry scholarly article, Unipolar and bipolar depression: different or the same explained that medication treatment might be substantial to bipolar disorder patients for a beneficial diagnosis. Therefore, the motion picture did display accurate treatment with the main and supporting

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