
Summary Of Blanche In A Streetcar Named Desire

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Blanche’s fantasy is the only thing that allows her to get past her traumatizing experience with her husband. In order to get rid of her harsh past, Blanche relies on taking hot showers in order to feel pure. As she goes on to say, “Oh, I feel so good after my long hot bath, I feel so good and cool and- rested”(). Through this symbol of showering for long periods of times, we can tell how Blanche wishes to be in control of her present life. Taking long showers signify an escape mechanism for many people who are struggling, and as we know it Blanche is struggling mentally and so she wishes to get rid of all the judgments she receives from Stanley and other men. Unfortunately, Blanche is unable to erase her past completely no matter how many baths she takes, she …show more content…

I want magic… I don't tell the truth, I tell what ought to be truth. And if that is sinful, then let me be damned for it!- Don't turn the light on!”(145). Through this dialogue between Mitch and Blanche, we can tell how hard she is trying to remain in her fantasy life. Blanche tried to remain in the dark whenever she was around Mitch because she believed he would see her for her true self. Alos, if mitch saw her then he would stop meeting up with her because of her age. The lantern that Blanche continues to keep off represents how she remains in the dark in order to protect her fantasy. When Mitch turns on the lantern, her fantasy is broken and she is forced to live in reality, this main factor is what causes her to lose her mind. Furthermore, Stanley was a huge factor in Blanche's life, for all the actions he has created. Stanley abruptly talks bad about of Blanche, “Take a look at yourself in that worn-out Mardi Gras outfit, rented for fifty cents from some rag-picker! And with that crazy crown on! What queen do you think you're?”(158). Through these harsh comment, Stanley tells Blanche, we can view how he is slowly destroying her

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