
Summary Of Boston Jane An Adventure

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Title: Boston Jane, An Adventure Author: Jennifer L. Holm Major Historical Theme: Gathering and interactions of peoples, cultures, and ideas. Time Period: 1801-1861 – Expansion and Reform Book Summary: This story is about a sixteen-year-old girl named Jane Peck. The beginning of the book goes to a flashback five year prior. Her dad, a physician, is raising her in Philadelphia, and allowing her to go on house calls with him. She also has a best friend in Jebediah. They manage to spend time throwing cowpats and spitting, not exactly lady-like traits. When Jane’s dad hires a young medical student, William Baldt, things take a surprising turn. As Jane has less than lady-like traits, a girl named Sally Biddle is constantly harassing her, so Jane enrolls in Miss Hepplewhite’s Young Ladies Academy. There, she learns to become a refined lady, and gets approval from William. William decides to move from Philadelphia to the Washington territory, leaving Jane heartbroken. Soon after he leaves, William proposes marriage and ask Jane to come out west with him. …show more content…

Aboard the ship, they suffer from seasickness, rats and poor conditions. Sadly, these conditions cause Mary to die along the way. She does make a friend on the boat named Jehu. (Note: He will show up later in the book). Jane finally arrives in Washington, but William is nowhere in sight. She was told he had waited for her to arrive, but because she did not, he thought he had changed her mind. She finds out William is off doing business with the governor for an unknown amount of time. Jane is now completely alone in a strange new territory, and with William gone, she does not have proper

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