Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital by Robert D. Putnam is about the rise and fall of American civil society social science book. The author argues that the quality of democracy and the performance of democratic institutions can be explained from the situation of civil society. If a society's democracy is running out of the question, it must have been a change in civil society. Also, “The United States has played a central role in systematic studies of the links, between democracy and civil society”(381). It shows the weakness that lead to western culture. The author was keenly aware that today's Americans seem to be no longer willing to spend their leisure time with coffee and chatting with neighbors, going to the club to engage in collective action like back then because the world has been changed between now and before. Thus, the author uses the term "Bowling Alone" to describe and summarize the change in American society and to make a theoretical explanation of the nature and causes of this change. From Robert’s point of view, the word "bowling alone" means that the loss of American social capital, and the cause of this phenomenon can be complex and difficult to determine. …show more content…
From the 60th century, public social input presents a downward trend in sustainability, manifested in politics, community, religion, work, and informal relations and other aspects. Which shows that how people did not think about other variables, and how social input impact on other things. This trend is caused by a number of reasons, including time and money pressure, anti-urbanization, technological development. In addition, “Researchers