Summary Of C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity

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C.S. Lewis’ radio series turned book called Mere Christianity navigates through a multitude of topics to further understand the theological and religious aspects of Christianity. He also provides the reader with suggestions as to how to live a Christian life by implementing these teachings into practice. In this essay, I shall provide a synopsis of Books Three and Four inMere Christianity. I will elaborate further on Book Three, Chapter Six, titled Christian Marriage. My broad book analyses and my chapter analysis will give further details on concepts that strengthened Lewis’ arguments about the Christian faith, as well as the perspectives that weakened them. In Books Three and Four of Mere Christianity, Lewis argues that there is a Christian way of living that is outlined in the Bible. His interpretation seeks to modernize and simplify the language of Christian doctrine to help readers implement these values in their life and follow the Christian way of living. In Book Three, Lewis evaluates behaviours, morality, virtues, sins, relationships, and faith …show more content…

This concept is elaborated on in depth in Books One and Two, but the first chapter of Book Three has a fairly succinct description of morality as the basis of Christianity theology. He says that morality is something more innate within an individual. Society or laws within a society cannot reshape mankind (73). There is something greater at play. This is where spiritual belief and the transcendence of the human soul comes in. From a Christian perspective, the soul will live on forever, and the soul, when following the path of goodness achieves a closeness to God. Those who do evil will lead their soul to Hell (74). The soul and the individual are the building blocks of good societies. The relationships between ourselves and God, ourselves and others, and within ourselves are where conflicts and differences arise

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