Summary Of 'Censorship: A Personal View' By Judy Blume

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In the United States, censorship is becoming popular across the nation as more states have a ban on certain books. Judy Blume gives her own opinion on the topic and urges readers to see the other side as to why censorship is a bad idea. In the end her article wasn't successful by the type of evidence and the promotional aspect her article has.
Judy Blume's “Censorship: A Personal View” dives into how censorship not only affects the kids, but the authors and advocates as well. In the beginning, Blumes begins to revisit the censorship in schools in the 1970’s she talks about how she was only stopped from reading when it was something not of her age range but, how all of that changed once the censorship of the 80s caused by the presidential election started to create a wall between the young readers and books that the parents deemed bad for their kid. Children were no longer able to access many books because their parents didn't like a topic, the language, or the morality of the book. Once Blume got older, she started to create books that have topics that should be normalized and have certain things that weren’t written in books very often because of that what was once something that she was able to write freely about became something that her editor, who …show more content…

After some time, Judy was able to find her voice with an organization created for helping the advocators who have lost their jobs over