Summary Of Chapter 4: Hip-Hop Clothing: True Or Harmful?

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In Nicole Fleetwood’s Troubling Vision Chapter 4 – “Iam King”: Hip-Hop Culture, Fashion Advertising, and the Black Male Body, Fleetwood examines the rise of the hip-hop fashion and its relationship to the black male body in the 1990’s. Fleetwood views the advertising strategies of Russell Simmons’s Phat Farm brand, and the public presentation of P. Diddy’s Sean John as sites of a “visual resignification” of the symbols, meanings and social conditions of post-industrial black life. For decades, racialized embodiment and self-presentation has operated as material limit and the prospect of black self-definition. Fleetwood references work captured by Barkley Hendricks and J. Shabazz that exemplify the post-civil rights idolization of the black