Summary Of Chapter 6 Of The Great Gatsby

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In chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, Gatsby decides to combine both of his dreams. He wants to mix the original dream and Daisy although he does not realise that he can not fuse both of the dreams, he can only chose one the two. Gatsby’s true and original dream, the pure american dream is that his “life should be better and richer and fuller” (Part 1: Roots of the American Dream). Gatsby wanted to become a successful man, he started from nothing and became a wealthy man showing that anything is possible in the land of opportunity. The idea of land of opportunity goes back to the Colonial American period when the British sailed west and hit the east shore to gain religious freedom and opportunity. Gatsby’s original dream is not very …show more content…

One autumn night, when Gatsby was a soldier both he and Daisy go out for a walk and there “Gatsby saw that the blocks of the sidewalks really formed a ladder and mounted to a secret place above the trees” (The Great Gatsby, 110). This is a good example of imagery, when Gatsby sees the ladder that leads to a path up high, it means that he will achieve his dream if he goes up that ladder. He will go to a land where he will live a perfect life, where all his dreams will come true, it is a miracle that never happens but it happened to Gatsby showing that he is special. He wanted opportunity to become successful, and there stood the perfect opportunity for Gatsby, an opportunity to climb that ladder and live the life he always wanted to live. A perfect world where he could “gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder” (110). Fitzgerald is saying if Gatsby climbed the ladder, he could swallow down the milk of amazement that is beyond compare meaning that Gatsby will live the absolute and complete ideal and flawless life. Yet Gatsby does not chose this path showing that he is not as judicious as the reader thinks he is. When the ladder appears to Gatsby, Fitzgerald is stating that Gatsby is having a connection with God. If Gatsby chooses this path then he will get what he always