Summary Of Chapter One By Susan Cain

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Susan Cain begins the introduction to her book by stating that one of the most well know woman, Rosa Parks, was an introvert. She also informs the us that one out of every two or three people we know are introverts;however, we are not aware of it, due to the fact that our society values the extrovert ideal and those who are inverts must conform, In chapter one, Cain discusses in great depth how the ideal self in our society shifted from serious, disciplined, and honorable to gregorius, alpha and comfortable in the spotlight. According to Cain, we shifted from a society that values actual character to one that only values personality. Susan Cain criticize is the notion that group collaboration results in more efficient work in chapter two. She includes many studies the disprove this theory to be up wrong yet work and school in …show more content…

In this chapter she begins with the story of Mike Wei and then she relates his story to the so-called quiet persistence. In chapter nine, Cain describes why in some situations introverts are a little more extroverted, this is in consequence to the situation we find ourselves in. There's many theories about why this happens there is a Free Trait Theory developed by Professor Little from Harvard, he believes that are fixed traits and free traits coexist that keeps us from acting a different way but at times we can act out of character for the sake something we love or considered important. In chapter ten, Susan Cain explains why introverts and extroverts can get along when they are so different. In order to so she introduces a couple by the name of Greg and Emily to show us how this is possible. By introducing this couple Susan Collins begins to introduce the differences between introverts extroverts such as the way they “recharge their