Summary Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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The Yellow Wallpaper is a series of secret journal entries written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892. The narrator is suffering from postpartum depression. The narrator isn't able to be with her baby; however, she is thankful that she has Mary to look after the baby. Her husband, John a doctor, doesn't want to accept that she has a mental illness. John told her "she shall be as sick as she pleases," and that it was all her "fancy" (Gillman). The narrator stated, "He hates to have me write a word" (Gillman). The narrator struggles with not being able to freely express herself, she has to hide that she is writing from her husband. Her husband treats her as if she was a child, he isolates her, won't let her write in her journal, doesn't let