Summary Of Chasing Lincoln's Killer

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Chasing Lincoln’s killer is an exciting quick-paced book, and that makes you be on your edge of your seat. John Wilkes Booth was a famous actor. he was like every southern man, he hated Abe Lincoln, hated the thought slaves having rights, and wanted Abe Lincoln dead. John was part of a conspiracy to kidnap the president but soon the conspiracy abandoned the plan. The conspiracies were David Herold, George Atzerodt, Edman Spangler, Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, and John Wilkes. Samuel Arnold and Michael O'Laughlen were conspirator in the kidnapping plan. On April 14, John Wilkes went to pick up his mail, on the paper it said Abe Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, Major Rathbone and his fiancee,Clara Harris will be attending the Ford’s Theatre. He knew the where the President would enter and will be sitting. …show more content…

He was on schedule to plan,he entered the theater, and to was to his surprise it had no guards. Abe was sitting the far left ,and the closet to Booth. Booth aimed the pistol to the back of Abe’s head, and shot the pistol. The bullet came to a stopped behind his right eye. John Wilkes jump out of the booth yelling freedom. Booth tried to stab Rathbone but Rathbone quick defense move saved his life, he threw up his arms,and shielding himself. Booth jump out of the booth and went to to the stage yelling the state motto of Virginia“Sic semper tyrannis!” meaning “thus always always to tyrants.” and then yelled “The South is avenged!” Everybody in the theater was befuddled, they didn’t know if it part of the play or not.Many people were in despair, Abe Lincoln was not completely dead ,but soon later Lincoln had died. Lewis Powell and David Herold was

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