
Summary Of Chronicle Of An American Execution By Dan Barry

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Why? In “Chronicle of an American Execution”, the author, Dan Barry, describes how a man by the name of Daryl Holton ruthlessly murders his four young children. Why would anyone murder their children? As hard as it is to comprehend, there is a cause, a reason as to why this man killed his kids but there is also an effect, a consequence. Holton, 45, assassinated his babies. Stephen, 12 years old. Brent, 10 years old. Eric, 6 years old. Kayla, 4 years old. Although it is hard to think of reasons as to why someone would do this one reason could have been that Holton was under an enormous amount of pressure or stress, for whatever reason, and just couldn’t think straight anymore. The mind can play games with us and cause us to do things that we
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