Summary Of Class In America 2003 By Gregory Mantsios

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In the article “ Class in America- 2003” Gregory Mantsios discusses the different types of social classes there are in the United States such as the poor, middle, and rich class. Mantsios describes four different myths about America and the people’s social class. These myths prove the social classes there are in America and where they stand. These myths are all lies and talk about what American people are like and what they face. Mantsios also, talks about the different types of realities Americans have with the different social classes which exist. In the realities Mantsios states of the United States for there social classes standings. American rarely discusses the different types of social classes there are and exist. Mantsios discuss the …show more content…

There are different types of social classes such as poor, middle, and rich. The social class which one lives does differ them from other social classes. Mantsios writes about the different social classes there are and there differences compared to other social class. In the article Mantisos states in the article “ there are enormous differences in the economic standing of the American citizens” ( Mantsios 701). Mantsios is comparing Americans lifestyle . There life style has an impact on the social class they are considered. Mantsios is comparing Americans household population. In the book Ship Breaker there are different social classes amongst the characters which are shown throughout the book. Nailer and Nita for instance are both from different social classes. Nailer is from the lower class and has to earn his living. While, Nita is from the upper social class and is given everything. Both their fathers live in different social class. Nailers father in the lower class he is a working class and has now passed that along to his son and Nita's father in the upper class which he owns a nice ship which Nailer acknowledges. The social class a character is presented in can make the characters stand out from each …show more content…

The social class which a person falls between can be the complete opposite of other social classes. In example, falling in the poor social class can be sufficiently different than falling in the rich social class. Mantsios compares social classes to the way they were before and how now there exists a sufficiently large gap. Mantsios states in the article “ The gap between rich and poor and between rich and the middle class is larger than it has ever been “ ( Mantsios 702). Mantsios has acknowledge the gap which exists between the types of social classes there are. In ship breaker there were gaps of social classes. Social classes of poor and rich showing the gap there was when the storm tore up the ships. Being in the rich class this wasn’t much of a big problem but being in the poor class was. This storm left the poor with mostly anything. This storm Damaged everything. Making it much harder for the poor to rescue everything they onced owned. The rich could possibly have a better opportunity to gain back at least part of the stuff they onced owned. For the poor such as Nailer and Pima they had to go search for food because they had