Summary Of Common Sense By Thomas Paine

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Most of the colonists had been raised to know that England was their homeland. As such, they felt a deep and abiding loyalty to the Monarchy and the Kingdom. They were also afraid of how they would be dealt with if they rebelled against their “Crown and Country”, and they did not want have anarchy. Even though they were taxed greatly, they still felt that they had some aspects of their lives that were good, but the taxations pushed them over the edge. When Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, it was a hit. The timing of his publishing was perfect for the audience. They were ripe for the material, and from what I’ve read and watched in this class, Paine appears to have been an everyday patriot of the crown. He was not an aristocrat, and his arguments were valid and made sense to the common man. Payne himself was not a religious man, but that he knew that his readers would be so he used that aspect to attract followers. …show more content…

He explained how people need to join together and create a working government that can provide for the needs of the people without suppressing them. He expounds on his theory that royalty should not exist, because all men are born equal. This allowed for the idea that the monarchy should be done away with, and a new form of government placed. He also proceeds to explain how America, as its own nation, can hold a better place in international affairs than it can as a simply British