Summary Of Dateline Delhi By Barbara Ehrenreich

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In the article, “Dateline Delhi”, author Barbara Ehrenreich addresses the growing problem of American outsourcing and how it is continuing to branch from menial, more laborious work into jobs that are more intellectually based, especially writing and news reporting. In this particular article she focuses on a website about Pasadena, California news in which all of its reporters are working from India. In Fareed Zakaria’s article, “The Rise of the Rest”, he explains how the growth that is occurring in other countries that the US regularly uses as outsourcing countries does not mean that the US is losing power and becoming weak, but rather that these other countries are rising to American levels of success. Combined, these article allow one …show more content…

The importance of this statement is that it shows the flaw in outsourced writing because many people don’t see it as accurate since it didn’t occur on-site. When this is adapted to Zakaria, it shows that regardless of intellectual prowess, some business attempts to outsource certain creative jobs, like writing and reporting, will not work because they simply lack the personable touch that comes from being at the event site. This was emphasized in when he writes, “no solution, no matter how sensible, is sustainable if it is seen as illegitimate”(618). This encapsulates the main problem with outsourcing writing because no matter how well worded an Indian writer may be, he will still be disregarded because he simply lacks the first person experience of the event he is reporting. Moreover, this also shows the fault with any outsourcing as a whole because unless all nations are made aware of the process in which other nations conduct their industries, they will always see their way as the most superior and …show more content…

Likewise, she also seemingly asks in desperation: “Weren’t we supposed to be the innovators?”(609). This question is seemingly in desperation because at face value, these sentences hint at the idea that America is starting to succumb to foreign countries. Nonetheless, this idea is not true because when it is related to Zakaria’s writing that, “the United States succeed in its great and historic mission-it globalized the world . . . . [but] it forgot to globalize itself”(623), it shows displays the fact that the US is actually accomplishing their goals of creating a better, well connected world. The only problem in this is that while America has focused on others, it has put itself on the back burner and now it is suffering the consequences. So, from this one can speculate that America should continue to keep up our work in various countries and encourage their growth because as Zakaria stated, many huge American companies, “report that their growth now relies on penetrating foreign markets”(622). What should stop, however, is the self-sabotage that happens when the US focuses too much on the progress of others. As it has been seen in the previous paragraphs, whether it was UC Berk writers in India or Brazil playing hardball to get there fair deal, the work as being uplifters is done and now it is time to

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