Summary Of Downturn By Jeremy Lanaway

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Running from problems is never a solution In the short story, ‘’Downturn’’ by Jeremy Lanaway is about a middle class workaholic man who is afraid of being in the similar position as his old friend Dan. The protagonist in the story are men; the author showcase them as men who have issues; Dan and Peter cannot express their own issues related to their problems. Therefore, men would avoid the painful truth by futile. The protagonist, Peter and Dan adapt self-deception through the means of roles, actions and/or behaviours; and this ultimately fails. Actions and behaviors are means of deception that both Pete and Dan have taken on to avoid their problems. In the opening of the story, Pete describes the details of Dan’s appearances: “he’s dressed for the part: T-shirt, thongs, Oakley’s, backwards ball cap’’ (76). Pete quickly recognizes the person; through his body languages Pete is shown to be hesitant, and at the same indecisive too. I lift my arm in the initial wave, but I change my mind mid-movement and lower my hand. He walks by without noticing me. …show more content…

Pete far from losing everything that Dan has because when Dan can no longer deal with his own issues, he indulges in drugs, but in the other hand, Pete becomes a workaholic. I understand that I have my reasons for saying okay, but I don’t have any more time to think. I’m late for work. Pete way of thinking has become too repetitive; he says he has his ‘reasons for saying okay, but (he) don’t have any more time to think”, he is clearly running away from his problems by thinking about work. Though, Pete has come to realize his issues, he has yet to address it; it also seems that Pete fail to recall the advice Dan says before of how Pete should be cautious of his choices or else he would spiral in a downturn as