Summary Of Ellie Wiesel's Night

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As I was, reading the excerpt of Night by Ellie Wiesel, I would begin to express empathy towards the author as he had to struggle through various unsanitary, horrendous places. Throughout these areas the narrator explains how his human rights and basic needs are stripped away. According to Humanitarian Coalitions site “The essential humanitarian needs are food, shelter, non-shelter food items,water,sanitation and hygiene promotion.” Lines 17-20, demonstrate how each prisoner had their essential rights taken away “ Buna was a real hell then. There was no water, no blankets, less soup and bread. At night we slept almost naked, and it was below thirty degrees. The corpses were collected in hundreds every day.” In the new building the author was …show more content…

Run as if the devil was after you! Don’t look at the SS. Run, straight in front of you!” coming across this statement on the perspective of a victim who has been scared. The story exemplifies to the audience a world of Nazi propaganda and prejudice against the Jewish community through describing the inhumane activities within the concentration camp. Currently there is a similar situation happening, not in Nazi Europe but within the walls of North Korea. One by one each, North Korean citizen is deprived of their humanitarian rights. According, to Free“ North Korea has allowed between 600,000 and 2,500,000 of its people to starve to death while its government squandered the nation’s resources on weapons and luxuries for its ruling elite.” The FreeKorea site includes that the current czar of North Korea has placed up to 120,000 civilians in its system of concentration camps, and that 400,000 people have died in these camps from torture, starvation, disease, and execution. Lastly, the website creates a realization on how fear (from a ruling dictator) can easily blind one from the truth to become a bystander. Rather than the ones who will fight for civilians, that endures humanitarian