Summary Of English Language Learners In The Classroom By Kevin Graziano

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Kevin Graziano highlights one of the most vital issues that will affect education over several decades. In his article/report he presents the concern of engaging and involving the increasing population of English language learners in the classroom. The article is in the form of a report citing numerous figures and data from copious sources and more importantly, a Photovoice style case study of several ELL students over the course of the school semester. English language learners are a rapidly growing group in U.S. classrooms. The article mentions that the “United States Department of Education…estimate that by the year 2030, 40% of the school population will speak English as a second language” (Graziano, 2011, pg. 1). So the amount of ELL students is going to be more prevalent in classrooms; therefore, preservice teachers need to find a way to address the language and cultural barrier of their students. …show more content…

Photovoice involves a camera and video that allows the students who struggle with English to record and share their experiences, struggles and important moments. The study reveals the profound desire, those that participated, “to learn English, read literature, and acquire books in English” (pg. 12). The huge takeaway from the article is the educational realities that English language learners at the elementary level go through, the intense struggle to learn a new language, the financial struggles English language learners may have at home, and their deep interest in immersing themselves as students in U.S classrooms. As teachers, we must recognize and find various ways to reach students of diverse backgrounds. This article highlights how Photovoice is used to assist the academic lives of ELL