Summary Of Flow By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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Have you ever experienced being totally engaged in doing something, without being concerned about your surroundings, which is constantly challenging your abilities and giving you a greater sense of ecstasy? If yes, then you are experiencing “flow”. According to positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, what you are experiencing is known as flow, a state of being completely immersed in an activity. This mental state of flow is describes as “being wholly occupied in an activity or task for the sake of oneself ”. (Cherry 2014) The central idea of Csikszentmihalyi’s book, Flow: The psychology of optimal experience (1990) is that we can achieve happiness when we learn to achieve flow in our daily lives. The main logic behind flow is self control. According to …show more content…

When once I was skiing, it was an example of flow. It was my first experience. Before starting the skiing I was thinking of the people that what would they think of me, will they call me names, what if I fall down, and will I die? But according to Csikszentmihalyi, Enjoyment lies between the line of boredom and anxiety,in a state when a person uses his capacities to overcome the challenges.( 2014) As soon as I started to ski, my all fears disappear. I suddenly stopped noticing people. I didn’t know who was around me. Only thing I knew was that I was enjoying my moment. I was fully engaged in performing my activity. Csikszentmihalyi also explained, If you are really keen to do something you will definitely focus on that and when you focus on anything will full attention it is likely that you become interested in it. There are many things around us in which we are not interested but when pay attention to them it becomes interesting ( 2014) So this explanation by Csikszentmihalyi well narrated my position. By focusing I actually started enjoying the

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